View Urban Smh Background
View Urban Smh
Background. Short for somehow, which some use as standing for shake my head, which is total bullshit and makes no sense in any context whatsoever. When 'smh' isn't enough to describe how unsatsified or upset you are.
Also use it when a conversation gets stale and you need to typr something random.
Sometimes it's modified to 'smfh' or 'smmfh' by those that prefer profanity in their internet acronyms. I got a headache.i hit myself in the head with my knee while trying to do situps. Smh stands for shaking my head.. Smh is what some would insist is an initialism (“an abbreviation formed from initial letters”) and that others would allow to be described as an acronym (“a word (such as nato, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term;
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